Solvent Separation Using
Molecular Sieves
Hamsa along with its technology partner can build and supply vapour phase and liquid phase molecular sieve systems that can be used to remove water, ethanol, IPA and all types of neat solvents and azeotrope mixtures. Molecular Sieve systems dewater azeotropic mixtures such as alcohol and acetates without the use of benzene, hexane or other volatile or hazardous extractors. Our systems can be skid mounted or field constructed and can be made of stainless or carbon steel. We can work with you to create a custom system to meet your specific needs or help to rebuild and make your current system more effective and efficient.
Water levels to a few ppm or less
10 to 1000 gallons per hour
Vapour or liquid phase operation
Skid mounted or field constructed
Stainless or carbon steel
Steam or hot oil heated
Manual to fully automated
Stock design or custom build